Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Toia & Jade

With 4 albums in the Mauri Ora programme, there were endless streams of Māori talent, coming in and out of our MoaTown Studio.

Two of these were the beautiful and stunning sisters, Toia Chase-Diprose & Jade Chase-Burrows. Daughters of the 'famous' Nash Chase and Debs Patterson (Chase), and sister to Jordan, they were more than happy to support the 'kaupapa'.

Having spent most of the childhood in Australia, they were initially a bit nervous about singing in Māori but they loved the song chosen for them. So, after a couple of days, they came back and recorded 'their' version of Ehara i te Mea, which features on track on of the Mauri Ora Album - Songs for Hui Gatherings (Kete 1).

It is a sweet and young sound, reflecting their wairua and 'new-ness' to this type of music!

Keep a look out for these two as they are often performing in live shows - we will continue to update this peice.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


In 2004, filming began for the Bro-tour.com show (Māori Television). KFP was approached by Bodie Taylor, co-creator and presenter, about the sponsorship for this pilot series. Jude thought the idea was great - two Māori boys off to 'see the world', meet other Māori and Kiwi overseas and generally create 'down-under mayhem'.

Sponsorship was agreed to and Kodie Roberts, KFP camera operator, joined Bodie and Mike Jonathon (co-creator, editor/producer & presenter) as they set off filming in the following locations:

Netherlands (Amsterdam)
Los Angeles
San Francisco

Film captured in 28 days of fun and follie created a pilot series of 5 x 30 minute shows, screened in November 2006. Below is the bro-tour.com introduction flash courtesy of Mike's bebo site Haka Boy1. Here, the three 'bro's' share their vocal skills, starting with Kodie and finishing with Bodie - Chur Bro!

The one & only, Ms Hinewirangi!!!!!!

Hinewirangi Kohu-Morgan was one of the original advisors in the development of the Mauri Ora Programme. Her expertise in waiata, pakiwaitara and tikanga Māori was invaluable.

She went on to record all pakiwaitara featured in the programme as well as the 'Live It!' series. That latter, gave practical insight into how cultural aspects from information contained within each kete could be implemented into every day life.

Hinewirangi supervised and co-ordinated Mauri Ora waiata albums, Waiata for Hui Gatherings, Waiata Tawhito and Songs of Liberation. Again the latter was based upon her selection, links with composers and singers and recollections of their use.

Today Hinewirangi continues her work in education delivering programmes in prisons, speaking at a variety of conferences (national & international) and supporting initiatives in early childhood.

Judies Angels - small,strong & fast-packing some serious whup-ass!!

KFP had some amazing young people working both in front and behind the scenes.

Three examples are Wiki, Aniwa and Aisha.

All three featured in Mauri Ora publicity material including delivery boxes (kete) and all were presenters on Mauri Ora film:

Wiki - Provider Training DVD, Tihei Mauri Ora (I Breathe, Therefore I Am), Timatanga Hou (New Lands, New Beginnings

Aisha - Haere Mai (Welcome to the Marae)

Aniwa- Tatau Pounamu (A Greenstone Doorway)

Each came with a separate set of talent. Wiki had performed in live theatre with Ahorangi Genesis (New Zealand nationwide) as well national and international Kapa Haka tours. Aisha was undertaking her degree in Media Arts (completed BA Hons - Media) and Aniwa had been studying Hawaiian dance in Hawaii.

They gave everything a go, adding their own input into the task they were undertaking. Aisha did alot of the stills publicity photography and worked closely with Jordan to create promotional material (Judies Angels is one example).

Wiki composed, sang, recorded, researched, wrote and took up a host of administrative jobs. She would work alongside Sonny and Chub Renata in sound and album production and with Chay in cataloguing, set design and script.

Aniwa, the youngest of the three, took up the challenge of recording (voice over & singing). She learnt 'on the job' administrative skills and maintained KFP's extensive library collection. She was assistant to Wiki, Hiraina & Carolyn - not an easy feat to undertake!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The VOICE of Mauri Ora - Francie Taylor!

I really can't go any further in explaining Mauri Ora and it's creative evolution, without talking about Francie!

Not only was she there in the beginnings of Mahi Ora, but she was there before Mauri Ora became a programme.

We first used her voice to record talking books for Mahi Ora and in those days, it mean't a weekend in 'the sweat box' - the name given to a small recording booth Jono had created in his warehouse (where we filmed all the introductions to the Mahi Ora videos).

We all soon discovered that Francie had this cool, easy to listen to voice so it was an easy choice to make when it came to recording all the introductions to Mauri Ora. Francie was our girl!!!!

Tatai Irorangi (one of the Mauri Ora audio's) will always remain one of my favorites. Francie would rock on into our studio - which was now way bigger than the sweat box - grab her a glass of water and 'pump out' whatever was required of her! She didn't always get the words right (especially the English ones) but she did it all with great passion.

When she got it wrong, we would all roll around in fits of laughter, with Francie taking it all in her stride, returning back to the recording room and fixing her mistakes!

When times were hard, she was the first to be there and the last to leave! She did all of this as well as manage her and her partner, Simon Newton, company and create learning resources that enhanced the learning outcomes of the programme.

Truely a wahine of mana, he tangata rongonui - the fab and fit Ms Francis Taylor!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


This blog is dedicated to all the laughter we would have at KFP!!!! As avid supporters of NZ Film here is one to watch - Eagle vs Shark (Caroline couldn't have written a better script)!

Others that are a MUST include Sione's Wedding, Whale Rider and No 2!

KFP Goes Raro!

After so much over-time - nobody EVER finished before 7 pm (except Kodie) - a well earned break was required. So in August 2004, after a year of planning, the team left Aotearoa's shores for those of sunny Rarotonga!

Unfortunately for Jude and Chris, they were not able to go... their time was spent sorting out payments with MO1. The latter issue was due to 8 months (plus) lost on pure 'Mauri Ora creation' due to a NZQA critique. TWOA programme approval processes (especially as it related to curriculum) had not been up to scratch when Mauri Ora development was approved (we are putting this 'nicely' for the blog sake). Soooooo a new template had to be created - KFP did this but it cost the company HEAPS both financially and in lost time!!!

Anyhow back to the point of this blog ... staff & co-workers who had given 'aroha' work time all went off for a 10 day break of sun, relax and fishing!!! On their holiday some got lost (arriving at local prison ?!), some laxed out with massages and sleep, others learn't to ride a motor-bike and snorkel, and TWO watched DVD's (on an ISLAND!!!!!).

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Return of the Queens' - Bling, Bling!

When Christmas comes around everyone at KFP would put on thinking caps to create MORE THAN a card! Here are some samples of a Christmas Picture Book 2003, created and produced by Jordan Chase and Aisha Roberts!

Richard Roberts - Camera, Edits & HEAPS of Fun!

Richard is one of the original KFP members.

He joined us when we didn't even have offices, in fact part of his job was to help paint his own suite!

Richard ALWAYS gives everything 100% and is always up for a good laugh! He initially voluntarily 'helped out' when Jono and Jude were completing filming for Mahi Ora, then when he heard Jude was to start on Mauri Ora, he approached her to see if he could join the team.

Richard worked extensively on the TWOA Māori Language Programme - Te Ara Reo Māori Film work (script & direction by Puka Moeau, Kate Cherrington and Lee Anne Walker); Mauri Ora Introduction; and TWOA Kuki 'Airini Language revitalisation pilot.

As a dad of 4 - pictured here with daughter no.3 Ryleigh - a camera is never far from his grasp, although these days you are more likely to catch up with him at the Raglan 4 Square Supermarket (he is the manager)!

Awhitia - A Breath of Fresh Air!

Awhitia (Awhi) was always one of the favorites for filming. She would give anything a burst! For the Mauri Ora introduction film and associated images, Richard and Kodie got Awhi to stand on a HUGE rock on top of Maungakawa puke (hill) in Cambridge. Not satisfied to have her just standing, they made her 'tipie-toe' and do turns. It was cold and she was just dressed in a 'flimsy' outfit but she never moaned although after 12 or so 'takes' she did start to go a different colour! The imagery however was stunning and well worth the effort.
As a mum of 7, Awhi's children were also added to KFP film and imagery stock pile.
This photo is of Awhi and her eldest daughter Tikamaiwhea (Danya) who also participated in various aspects of film-work. It can be found within the Edu-card Whakapapa for sale on the Mauri Global Site.

When Times Get Tough

By 2005, burn out was occurring at all endz! Therefore, before it is forgotten, special mention has to go to Caroline & Sonny's epic 'Harakeke Radio Show', put out on CD to thank 'friends & co-workers' for phone calls, emails and FLOWERS sent to Jude whose health was deteriorating (largely due to stress and over-work). With a bit of luck the full radio show will feature on this site at a later date. However for this blog, one of the songs featured, still remains relevant for today. It epitomises Judes feelings about life and expresses the gratitude she has always held for those who stood beside her during the journey's of Mahi and Mauri Ora... So here you are Anya Westrup, your favorite song - the supreme & divine Ms Gladys Knight 'You'er the best thing that ever happened to me!'