Three examples are Wiki, Aniwa and Aisha.
All three featured in Mauri Ora publicity material including delivery boxes (kete) and all were presenters on Mauri Ora film:
Wiki - Provider Training DVD, Tihei Mauri Ora (I Breathe, Therefore I Am), Timatanga Hou (New Lands, New Beginnings
Aniwa- Tatau Pounamu (A Greenstone Doorway)
Each came with a separate set of talent. Wiki had performed in live theatre with Ahorangi Genesis (New Zealand nationwide) as well national and international Kapa Haka tours. Aisha was undertaking her degree in Media Arts (completed BA Hons - Media) and Aniwa had been studying Hawaiian dance in Hawaii.
They gave everything a go, adding their own input into the task they were undertaking. Aisha did alot of the stills publicity photography and worked closely with Jordan to create promotional material (Judies Angels is one example).
Wiki composed, sang, recorded, researched, wrote and took up a host of administrative jobs. She would work alongside Sonny and Chub Renata in sound and album production and with Chay in cataloguing, set design and script.
Aniwa, the youngest of the three, took up the challenge of recording (voice over & singing). She learnt 'on the job' administrative skills and maintained KFP's extensive library collection. She was assistant to Wiki, Hiraina & Carolyn - not an easy feat to undertake!
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