Tuesday, June 10, 2008

KFP Goes Raro!

After so much over-time - nobody EVER finished before 7 pm (except Kodie) - a well earned break was required. So in August 2004, after a year of planning, the team left Aotearoa's shores for those of sunny Rarotonga!

Unfortunately for Jude and Chris, they were not able to go... their time was spent sorting out payments with MO1. The latter issue was due to 8 months (plus) lost on pure 'Mauri Ora creation' due to a NZQA critique. TWOA programme approval processes (especially as it related to curriculum) had not been up to scratch when Mauri Ora development was approved (we are putting this 'nicely' for the blog sake). Soooooo a new template had to be created - KFP did this but it cost the company HEAPS both financially and in lost time!!!

Anyhow back to the point of this blog ... staff & co-workers who had given 'aroha' work time all went off for a 10 day break of sun, relax and fishing!!! On their holiday some got lost (arriving at local prison ?!), some laxed out with massages and sleep, others learn't to ride a motor-bike and snorkel, and TWO watched DVD's (on an ISLAND!!!!!).

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